- On eBay, an average of $680 worth of transactions are done every second.
- 99% of all adults have their mobile phone within arm's reach every hour of every day.
- There are approximately 6.8 billion people on the planet out of which 4 billion of them use a mobile phone. Only 3.5 billion people of them use a toothbrush.
- Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, as well as Apple have one thing in common – they were all started in a garage.
- 25% of Americans use only a mobile device to access the Internet.
- Every minute, 100 hours of video are uploaded by individual users on YouTube.
- Two hundred and twenty million tons of old computers and other technology devices are trashed in the US each year.
- 99% of text messages are read within three minutes of being delivered.
- 30 individuals watch television programming from their mobile phones.
- The average 21 year old has spent 5,000 hours playing video games, sent text messages, instant messages, and 250,000 emails, and has spent nearly 10,000 hours on a mobile phone alone.
- The first personal computer was created by Berkeley Enterprises. Affectionately referred to as Simon, it sold for a pricey $300 in 1950.
- 40 years ago world’s first mobile phone call successfully took place.
- On average, technology users carry 2.9 devices on them at all times.
- There are 350 million Snapchat messages sent every day.
- Approximately 500 apps added each day to the Windows Phone Store