Lava on Monday unveiled the Pixel V2, a refreshed variant of the Pixel V1 launched in July this year under Google's Android One initiative. The new handset, which is not associated with the initiative, is priced at an MRP of Rs. 10,750, which is lower than its predecessor (Rs. 11,350) and is already available to buy offline. The company committed to make the smartphone feasible to buy online starting September 15.
Based on specifications, the Lava Pixel V2 is a quite good update over the Pixel V1, specially in the camera department. The handset's main features is the 13-megapxiel rear camera with 1.4-micron pixel size, 5p Largan Lens, f/2.0 aperture and Blue Glass Filter with dual-LED flash. Also, it comes with a wide-angle 8-megapixel front-facing camera with 1.4-micron pixel size, 4p lens, f/2.4 aperture with LED flash. Some of the camera modes included are night mode, wide angle selfie, Pic Focus, Intelligent Mode, Face Beauty and gif maker. It can also record videos with up to 1080p resolution.
The dual 4G SIM (Micro-SIM) supporting Lava Pixel V2 runs Android 5.1 Lollipop with the Star OS 2.0 skin, and features a 5-inch HD (720x1280 pixels) resolution IPS display layered by Asahi Dragontail Glass. Lava Pixel V2 powered by a 64-bit quad-core Media MTK6735 SoC (four Cortex A53 cores at 1.3GHz), coupled with 2GB DDR3 RAM and Mali T720 GPU. As for the storage, the Pixel V2 includes 16GB internal storage, which can be further expanded through a microSD card up to 32GB. Besides a set of standard connectivity options, the smartphone also supports Cat. 4 4G LTE connectivity, with support for Indian LTE bands.
The Pixel V2 is backed by a 2500mAh Li-Po battery and weighs 128 grams. While the Pixel V2 is currently available in Royal Black and Icy White colour variants, the company would bring the smartphone in Prism Blue colour variant as well in October this year.
OS: Android 5.1
Display: 5.00-inch
Processor: 1.3 GHz
Rear Camera: 13-megapixel
Front Camera: 8-megapixel
Resolution: 720X1280 pixels
Storage: 16GB
Battery capacity: 2500mAh